Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pride and Prejudice

This November "Pride and Prejudice" is a play being put on by the USM Arts Department. Originally "Pride and Prejudice" was a novel written by Jane Austen. The novel was published on January 28th, 1813. Primarily the novel's title was "First Impressions", but after publication rejection the author decided to revise the novel. After revision Jane Austen named the novel "Pride and Prejudice". The summary of "Pride and Prejudice" in short is dealing with relationships but in a humorous way, the plot does thicken. The Southern Miss play of "Pride and Prejudice" is based on John Jorry's version of the novel. The play is said to be "a fast paced and highly theatrical adaptation" of the novel. Tickets for the "Pride and Prejudice" play went on sale November 12th, tickets are still on sale. For ticket information visit http://ev6.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ExecMacro/evenue/ev69/se/Main.d2w/report?linkID=usm or call 601-266-5418

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